The CISI expands its presence in Jordan

The CISI expands its presence in Jordan through a partnership with Integrated Development Academy Following the recent announcement of its collaboration with the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC), the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is proud to welcome the…

CISI and EIMF launch Chartered Wealth Manager qualification

Cyprus based finance professionals are being offered the chance to study for what is considered in the market to be the leading global qualification for private client wealth managers. The CISI Chartered Wealth Manager qualification, a post-graduate level specialist qualification, is being…

شراكة بين معهد تشارترد للأوراق المالية والاستثمار وهيئة الأوراق المالية في الأردن (CISI)

وقع معهد تشارترد للأوراق المالية والاستثمار (CISI) الهيئة المهنية الرائدة في قطاع الأوراق المالية والاستثمارات وادارة الثروات والتخطيط المالي، مؤخرا، مذكرة تفاهم مع هيئة الأوراق المالية في الأردن، الجهة المسؤولة عن تطوير وتنظيم ومراقبة أنشطة أسواق رأس المال في المملكة…

Partnership between the CISI and Jordan Securities Commission

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), the leading professional body for securities, investments, wealth and financial planning professionals, has recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Jordan Securities Commission (JSC), the entity responsible for developing, regulating…

New CISI South East branch President

An Investment Manager at financial services firm Raymond James has been appointed President of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) South East branch. US born Leighton T. Bascom Chartered FCSI will take over the voluntary position from outgoing…

College of Insurance to launch CISI Award in Kenya

The College of Insurance (COI), based in Nairobi and the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), have entered into a partnership arrangement that will see the COI offer training towards the Award in Bancassurance, in addition to other CISI…

CISI and ACCA join forces to boost global market

A recently agreed MoU between the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) and ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) aims to meet the global market demand for Islamic Finance education. The global professional bodies, with a combined total…

CISI partners with King Faisal University

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI), the leading professional body for securities, investments, wealth and financial planning professionals, has announced a partnership with Saudi Arabia’s oldest national university, King Faisal University. The partnership paves the way for the…

New deal between CISI and Nigerian Stock Exchange

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is delighted to announce a new partnership with The Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) to provide trainings for CISI’s qualifications in Nigeria, under the auspices of X-Academy, the knowledge platform of NSE. The…

CISI appoints new members to Financial Planning Forum Committee

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is delighted to announce the following new appointments to the CISI’s Financial Planning Forum Committee.  The new members are: Neil Bailey CFP™ Chartered FCSI, Director at Fortitude Financial Planning Ltd and previous…

CISI celebrates IntegrityMatters reaching 60k milestone

This Global Ethics Day the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) celebrates more than 60,000 global candidates completing the CISI online ethics test, IntegrityMatters. The test saw an average of 10,000 completions per year since 2013. This highlights how…

Michael Cole-Fontayn formally elected Chairman of CISI

The Board of Directors of the Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is delighted to announce that Michael Cole-Fontayn MCSI was elected Chairman at the AGM on 10 October. The term of office is initially for three years and…

Winners of CISI Financial Planning Gala Awards 2018 revealed

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is delighted to announce and congratulate the winners of our Financial Planning Gala Awards 2018:   Accredited Financial Planning FirmTM of the Year WINNER: Acumen Financial Planning  Certified Financial PlannerTM of the Year WINNER: Graham Wingar…

CISI awards 2018/19 Chartered Wealth Manager Scholarship

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is delighted to announce that Ryan Murphy of Nsure Financial Planning has been awarded the Chartered Wealth Manager Scholarship 2018. The Scholarship is awarded by the CISI Educational Trust, supported by a…

CISI appoints Claire Newman as new Essex branch President

The Chartered Institute for Securities & Investment (CISI) is delighted to announce the appointment of Claire Newman, ACSI as President of the CISI’s Essex branch. The CISI is the 45,000 strong, global professional body for those working in or looking…
